
“I see colors!
All of the colors!”

After 17 years of darkness, Abraham’s world exploded with light
God still does miracles today . . . watch and see!
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As the sun rose over Tarawai Island in Papua New Guinea—one of the most isolated places on earth—11 men and women waited for a real-life miracle.

Some were dressed in their Sunday best, some in casual, everyday clothes. Some were young, others elderly, but they all had one thing in common. Their eyes were covered with green plastic shells and bandages. They were blind.

One man, Abraham, had dreamt of a day like this for more than 17 years. Cataracts had robbed him of his vision—leaving him unable to work or navigate his village safely. He sat alone in his home hour after hour, day after day, lonely and afraid.

But this day would be different. This day would change his life.

Much of Papua New Guinea is still a mystery, even today. Thousands of tiny islands like Tarawai can only be reached by sea, and many people still live like their ancestors did thousands of years ago. The sick are cared for by the village witch doctor or shaman. Fear and death have reigned over hope and healing . . . until NOW.

Here at YWAM Ships Kona, we travel throughout Papua New Guinea and the South Pacific bringing critical medical care to some of the most isolated people groups in the world. Partners and friends like you allow us to be the hands and feet of Jesus, showing God’s love in a tangible, unmistakable way . . . and sharing the life-transforming gospel.

When our medical vessel arrived, Abraham was chosen to receive the very first cataract surgery ever performed on Tanawai. Our team welcomed him aboard, calming his nerves and praying in the name of Jesus. Our surgeon deftly removed Abraham’s cataracts—a simple 30-minute surgery that is common in the Western world and unknown here.

The other 10 patients received the same gentle, capable care, and they returned to their homes to rest and wait.

The next morning, all 11 men and women returned to sit on the bench near the ship. It seemed like the island’s entire population gathered around to watch. One by one, the medical team removed the bandages . . . one by one, the patients opened their eyes.

“I see colors! All of the colors! I can see!” Voices raised to the heavens. “I CAN SEE!”

Abraham wept with utter joy.

He looked around, fascinated by the sights he hadn’t laid eyes on in 17 years. Then the words bubbled out of his mouth, “Praise God! Praise God! Hallelujah!”

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Abraham has his life back . . . thanks to compassionate friends who share the mission of YWAM Ships Kona. Right now, we are planning to take the Gospel and critical medical care to thousands of unreached, isolated people across Papua New Guinea.

And YOU can help. YOU can give the next Abraham a miracle. YOU can share God’s love with many who have never heard His name!

It’s simple. For just $33 per patient, you can provide life-transforming medical services like cataract surgeries, dental extractions, and more where people are suffering. Please, take a moment to consider the difference you can make . . . the miracle you can give.

Thank you!

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