Higher Mountains.Deeper Waters.
διάκονος. καλλιεργώ. σερβίρισμα. αναπτύσσω. οδηγω.

What is it?
Diakonos is our new ministry and leadership development degree program for any of our current or incoming staff at YWAM
Ships Kona. Diakonos is more than just a course, it’s a degree program integrated into the life of a full-time YWAM staff
member. It is a collection of transformative courses that provide every participant with the opportunity to learn how to grow, serve, develop, and lead in a way that reflects the heart of Jesus.
what does it mean?
Diakonos (διάκονος) is a Greek word that means minister or servant. It’s literal translation describes a waiter who serves food
or drink. In Matthew 20:25-27 Jesus responds to two disciples request to sit on His right and left in His Kingdom, which is a
request for authority and the right to rule alongside Him and to have leadership in His Kingdom. He says to them, “You know
that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them. It shall not be so among you.
But whoever would be great among you must be your servant,”. The word servant that he uses in this passage is diakonos.
Jesus is saying here that if you want to be a leader in His Kingdom you must learn what it truly means to be a minister and to
serve, “even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
what does it look like?
Diakonos will provide each staff with the opportunity to participate in courses that are integrated into their daily lives and responsibilities as a full-time staff with YWAM Ships Kona. This means that however you are serving, whether it be in our
café, in one of our different training schools, or alongside our ships, you will also be engaging in your own personal
development as you complete an AA degree through the UofN. The program will cover several different integral aspects to
becoming a fruitful and effective leader in ministry such as; engaging in peer discipleship, having mentorship, completing a
Bible Core Course, participating in lectures focused on spiritual formation, discipleship, leadership, Christian lifestyle and worldview, effective personal ministry and much more. On a weekly basis each staff member will go to weekly lectures, have one on ones, read specific books, and engage in other relevant assignments.
who is it for?
Diakonos is for anyone who has completed their DTS and has a passion to serve on staff at YWAM Ships Kona. There is no age
minimum or limit. If you want to grow and find God’s purpose and plan for you in missions then Diakonos is for you. The only prerequisite is a desire to grow and learn!
what are the outcomes?
Staff who complete Diakonos after at least 2 years on staff will walk away with an Associates of Arts degree in Christian
Leadership through the University of the Nations. This degree can be used to build towards a bachelor’s or master’s degree through the UofN as well as potentially able to be used as credits towards a degree through other Christian universities.
Along with that, after completing Diakonos you will have completed a BCC (Bible Core Course), multiple outreaches, as well as at least 6 foundational courses on ministry and leadership development. You’ll walk away with a deepened understanding of yourself, your role in missions, and the God you serve!
what's the purpose?
You will grow: in your gifts, calling, ministry and leadership. You will serve: learn what it truly means to be a servant leader
that not only serves the ones they lead but serves the Lord. You will develop: your leadership, your understanding of the Word of God, and how to develop people and teams. You will lead: increase your understanding of how to lead in God’s kingdom, what your leadership style is, and how to be a leader who reflects the character of Jesus.
when is it?
Diakonos will intake every quarter that we run schools at YWAM Ships Kona; January, April, July, September.