the Pacific

Surge Event

stronger presence. greater impact

Join us

February 15-18, 2024
and impact people of the pacific islands

A lifetime of impact awaits.

Available reservations are limited

We would like to invite you to join us in beautiful Hawaii for a weekend of inspiration, renewal, and refreshment to learn more about the ministry that is impacting the lives of the isolated in the Pacific.

There will be a variety of speakers, including people from Papua New Guinea, as well as YWAM Founder Darlene Cunningham, University of the Nations President/CEO David Hamilton, Author and speaker Dr. Tim Elmore, and YWAM Ships Kona Founder, Brett Curtis.

Registration and welcome reception followed by dinner with protocol and sounds of Hawaii by Island Breeze.


Morning and evening session with the afternoon open for free time.



Morning and evening session same time, with the afternoon open for free time.



Worship celebration and brunch.

Consider your role in serving the isolated

For the past 10 years, YWAM Ships Kona has been going to the hardest-to-reach places on earth. Imagine remote islands, with no airstrip, roads, or access to the outside world. This is where YWAM Ships prepares expert medical teams, as well as discipleship and Oral Bible Translation (OBT) teams serving mother-tongue speakers who have ZERO scripture in their language.

YWAM Ships Kona Campus

This historic location, formerly known as the Hukilau Hotel, is where missionaries first arrived in Hawaii in 1820. Then shortly afterward, from this very location, missionary ships were sent out and history was made throughout the Pacific! Today we embark on the same mission, from the same place! In 2012 we began renting this former hotel, then in the spring of 2022 we purchased this landmark property, thanks to two extraordinary organizations making it possible. You will hear from them at this event.

Event lodging

Book a room
We've secured group pricing for those wanting to stay at the 4-star Kona Marriott which is in easy walking distance across from our Port YWAM property. As a ministry to you, it will be our pleasure to treat you with an outstanding program along with breakfasts, and dinners. We will also provide ground transportation to and from the Kona Airport.
YWAM Ships Kona
The Pacific Surge
75-5687 Alii Drive
Kailua-Kona, HI 96740