President Loeak Welcomes YWAM Ships to the Marshall Islands


April 5, 2014

April 4th, 2014

Majuro, Marshall Islands – President Chris Loeak along with his Finance, Health and Interior Ministers arrived on board Hawaii Aloha 6pm Saturday April 4th to welcome YWAM Ships Kona to his nation for the first time. Earlier in March he signed an official Invitation Protocol that cleared the way for YWAM to work here over the next 10

Sydney Suderno Gifting Bible to President Loeak

years.  He mentioned in his speech that our partnership is a significant step forward for those living in remote islands such as Lib and suggested YWAM Ships consider deploying more vessels in coming years.  President Loeak reflected on the role of missionaries in the 1800’s that brought change to his country from ships coming from Hawaii.  (Morning Star vessels).

There was a gift of friendship exchange with an Obon gifted to Director Brett Curtis and Captain Ann Ford with a copy of the YWAM Study Bible and a copy of Loren Cunningham’s book called The Book That Transforms Nations – given to the President by the youngest member on board, Sydney Suderno – age 11.

“There is much to do and we need all the help we can get from the international community and organizations such as YWAM Ships” – commented Marshall Island’s Minister of Health Mr. Phillip Muller.  He told everyone present that the islands are waiting and that his office would do all they could to ensure a smooth outreach for all concerned”.

Obon gift from President LoeakA group photo was held at the end with President Loeak taking time to pose with everyone individually before departing 90 minutes after they arrived.

Hawaii Aloha departs Majuro for Lib Islands which lies south of the Kwajalein Atoll in 5 days with a full compliment on board.  The 9-month deployment itinerary can be seen click here.

If you are interested in joining any of our upcoming outreaches you may reach us at [email protected]

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