How do I say goodbye to a family that I’ve known for the last 5 years? How do I pick up my things and move away when this is my home?
For me, it’s with God’s help. For those that have taken the leap into anything, a new job, a relationship, full-time missions, you know that it can be scary but there’s also excitement and anticipation for the road ahead. That was me when I joined YWAM Ships Kona in 2016. I felt to jump right into this ministry and I had no idea what the road would entail; what adventures I would partake in.
What I did know, was that I had peace about my decision.
You might wonder how I knew my decision was “correct”. To be honest, I didn’t. I knew that if it wasn’t where God wanted me to be, He would direct me elsewhere. The great thing with God is that He doesn’t leave me when I’ve made a “wrong” decision or a decision that isn’t His best for me. He’s right there alongside me to guide me.

He’s guiding me now with the decision to move on from Ships; to step away from this community that I love and have grown in. He’s taking me in another direction and not because I chose wrong but because He has something else in store for the next chapter of my life.
To say there haven’t been tears would be lying, but to say I’m upset about the change isn’t true either. This is probably one of the best bittersweet moments of my life. The tears just confirm to me the affection I feel for what I’ve been a part of.
Sometimes following God’s lead is hard, sometimes it’s easy.
Regardless of the path that I’m on, my current living situation or occupation, if I’m listening to Him, I know I’ve made the right choice cause that choice comes from a relationship with God. He knows what’s best for me and He sees what I need when I need it.
All that to say, I’m going to miss Kona. I’m going to miss so many things about living on an island in the middle of the Pacific, but I’m excited about the next thing. I’m pumped to see how I grow in my relationship with God.
I’m also grateful for how YWAM Ships Kona gave me the space to grow and learn and be a part of a community of world changers. Thank you Port YWAM for being my home and my community. I love you and I will miss you.
by Jaime Gomez
Port YWAM Kona Communications Staff
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