to end Bible poverty now!
Be empowered for distribution, translation, and prayer for the Bible-less
our mandate
Over 325,000 people in the Pacific don’t have a single verse of the Bible in their own language.
What is the problem?
Life in the Pacific is often life without the Word of God. For many of these people, not a single verse of the Bible has been translated into their language. And for the many of the rest, they have no access to what has been translated.We are doing it
We desire to see a Bible in every heart language made available to every individual in the Pacific. To reach the most remote and isolated places in the Pacific, until all have heard and experienced the love of Jesus. We have committed to translating 67 languages in 27 islands in the Pacific in the next 5 years.
If the Bible isn’t in their hands, how will they know what it teaches? For many others in the Pacific, they lack easy access to God’s Word. We are taking the Bible’s that are translated, and putting them into the hands of the people so that all may know the love of Jesus.
our reach
End bible Poverty Now has been working to bring the Bible in the heart language of the peoples of the world.Nations
We have translation and distribution efforts in over 60 nations around the globe.
We have translated or distributed the Bible in more than 100 different languages. Giving people access to God’s Word in their mother tongue for the first time.
We have sent over 300 teams around the world armed with the Word of God to see transformation in the nations.
Bibles Distributed
We have distributed nearly 3 million Bibles. That’s 3 million people that now have access to the Word of God.