Access to clean and safe drinking water is a fundamental necessity for human life and well-being. It is something so many of us can easily access simply by flipping on a faucet. Unfortunately, many remote communities around the world still lack this basic resource – Papua New Guinea being one of them. In this post, we will shed light on the importance of clean water and how lives are changed when they have access to it.
YWAM Ships Kona is always looking for ways to bring water filters to families in remote villages in Papua New Guinea. It is part of the medical services that our teams provide. Unfortunately, we have been running very low on our water filters and knew that we would not have much more to provide. We had the opportunity to be a part of a medical mission conference where our staff could share the heart behind
our mercy ministries. There we met up with the Filter of Hope team and they shared with us how they partner with other organizations to provide clean, drinkable water and ultimately share the gospel.
We help each other out in this partnership, because Filter of Hope has the product and YWAM Ships Kona has the means to deliver the product! YWAM Ships has built relationships with 33 Papua New Guinean villages and they are open to the mercy ministries we provide. Our heart is to help the prevention of water borne diseases, provide the villagers with a better quality of life, and ultimately spread the good news of Jesus.
As the filters are installed, it is a good representation to the villagers of what Jesus can do in their life. The water filter removes all the disease and impurities out of the water and leaves it clean and pure. This mirrors what Jesus can do as we accept Him into our hearts. Once we allow him to come into our life, living water will flow from our hearts. They will receive a physical need, but also learn about their spiritual need. It’s an amazing opportunity to share the love of Jesus and give a better understanding of what He will do in their life.

How Can You Help?
Filter of Hope has generously donated 100 water filters to YWAM Ships Kona. Each water filter can produce 250 gallons of water per day for up to 10 years. We are fundraising for 100 more filters and then Filter of Hope will match our donation. The end goal is to have 300 filters that we will be able to send out to the remote villages of Papua New Guinea. Partner with us in this journey of eliminating deadly
water borne diseases and supplying the people of Papua New Guinea with fresh, drinkable water!