Spring has always been one of my most favorite seasons. It’s a time filled with refreshing weather, new flowers blooming, and it has meant a transition in my routine for as long as I could remember. Spring always signaled something new was coming, either a break from school, graduation, a change in jobs, or just a renewed perspective on where I am!

Taking time to reflect on the past season you’ve been in can be refreshing. Sit for a moment and think back to all the times you saw God move, all the times that the unexpected happened, and notice the blessings that came through. Even if that season was harder than you thought it would be, or you felt more alone than normal, or any number of reasons, take note of where you’ve been and let that propel you into what’s next for you.

Spring is in the air

Romans 12:2 says, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” A new season gives us new opportunities to take this to heart; to be aware of renewing our minds, of committing to being transformed by the good gifts our Father has given us, and of approaching this time as a new chance to impact our own spheres of influence in our lives.

If you’re stepping into a new season, take this chance to sit down with God and ask for a vulnerable and authentic heart. Transitions can be scary and worrisome, but you can choose to be as engaged as possible from the get-go. One of my favorite verses is 2 Corinthians 3:18, “And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.”

Having an unveiled face is to be exposed before the Lord. To drop all pretenses of the person we wish we were, or the mask of being perfect and having it all together, and just be who you are in this season.

In spring time, things come to life

Be authentic before Him, show your heart with all of its brokenness and hard parts. Bring your low moments to Him, your impatience or doubts or anger. Be “you” in front of the Creator of the universe and see how it feels. He won’t turn you away or be upset with you for not being “perfect”. He’s a good Father, He wants you to come to him as a hurting child would go to their earthly father looking for love in moments of pain.

This is what being unveiled is. Taking off anything that is stopping you from being entirely vulnerable before God.

It can be scary. Even more so when we take the idea of being unveiled before God and also become unveiled before the people in our community. Be who you are with these people. Choose to stop presenting a mask or the idea that you are exactly how you wish you were.

The beauty of a flower

Open up about your doubts, your moments of brokenness, and those times when the “ugly” side came out. Be wise in this of course, the person in line with you at the Target checkout might not be the right person to open up with! But while you’re in a safe and loving community, be vulnerable and open about the journey you are going through. There’s a blessing in being fully known, both by God and by the people He’s placed around you. Only once you are fully known can you be fully loved to the depth of what your spirit needs.

Take advantage of this new season and time of transition to start fresh. Choose to become fully known by the people around you and you’ll see a new level of freedom come into your life. Don’t let the pressure of being “perfect” or anything else stand in your way on this journey to authenticity.

By Brooke Everheart
Port YWAM Kona Communications Staff

Interested in knowing more? Contact us. We’d love to chat!

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