Prayer and Evangelism in Chile – July DTS Outreach Update

From the field

November 14, 2017

Greetings from YWAM Pichilemu in Chile!

We wanted to write a little update from the past couple of weeks here. We have been keeping busy here doing different types of ministry with the base. One is a market evangelism. We go to a morning market YWAM Pichilemu has in the streets every Wednesday and Saturday. We set up a table with flyers and little booklets about Pura Vida, which is a pool and gym that YWAM Pichilemu operates for the community, and ask people if they have heard of it and tell them to stop by.

The last two weeks we have taken a sign in Spanish that reads “How can we pray for you?” To our surprise, it got a huge response. It’s been beautiful. A few of us walked around with another sign with the same question, one time we ended up being stopped by a sweet lady who we got to pray for.

Her name was Flora, she’s an older lady who has been living here in Pichilemu her whole life. She told us she was touched that such young people were willing to walk out in obedience and love to pray for others. She started to tear up as we prayed for her and her family as they were dealing with health issues. Afterwards, she hugged and kissed us, told us to be blessed and keep doing God’s work, and continued on her way.

It was beautiful to hear from someone who had been there her whole life tell us that it was refreshing to see people walking around a place just wanting to love on others. God is so good!

We were also told that the 27th of October was a national holiday celebrating the evangelical and protestant churches. On this day we were to have a March for Jesus! Leading up to the 27th, the day of the march, we would take two hours each day from 2 to 4 going out in Pichilemu doing intercession and evangelism.

Our team split up, with each team partnering with people from the base and its different schools. It was a very successful and amazing experience for all of us. The students came back with so many stories. A few of the students really got to practice their Spanish speaking, praying, and hearing God’s voice.

Intercession was a great time of walking around the city praying for both what was on the team’s hearts as well as God’s heart. Things like the government, families, and Pichilemu as a whole, that God would capture their hearts, and that He would raise up people to spread His word.

We also prayed that their journey with Jesus would be more a relationship than a religion, and for blessings and provision for the schools and businesses.

Evangelism was going out in groups of two or three and building relationship as well as telling people about Jesus and His love. One student, Shantha, lead a lady to pray and accept Jesus in her heart. There were students who were able to love on people and pray for them.

Alizabeth, Lily, and Deliah sat and spent time with three high-school girls. They talked about school, friends, family and then God. It was amazing to get to share their stories and tell them that God loved them and hear what they thought about God.

The girls prayed with them and left but with the hope that something was planted in their hearts and that God touched their lives.  Everyone’s feedback was so positive. God showed up in many ways and we pray that many were blessed.

Then there was the march, a great morning of walking through the whole city proclaiming Jesus. The whole base and their families were apart of it. We all held signs with different messages and bible verses. We stopped twice in two different city centers.

The performance team performed songs and dances, they had a preaching and prayer from the speakers in the truck that lead the way and we performed our skit. The skit was about a girl who turned from Jesus and gets buried in drugs, abuse and depression only to fall to her knees and receive salvation. When the salvation part came the streets went wild, roaring with excitement!!

The end of the march was the same and we got to perform again and again got the same response. We only hope that it touched people’s hearts and minds.

Being here has been good and challenging but God has lead us to do some very impactful things that we hope will lead to future relationships.

By Alizabeth Bell
Port YWAM Kona July DTS Staff

Interested in knowing more? Contact us. We’d love to chat!

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