On my DTS outreach our team went to a small village in Cambodia. There were no houses, just tin shacks with wooden posts holding them up. Our contact, Jin, had been consistently going there and building relationships for some time. We visited houses, prayed for families, and shared the gospel with people who had never heard it before. 

As our outreach drew to a close, we visited the village one last time. Just as we were leaving, we passed a group of older ladies sitting around a hand made wooden table, under a shelter next to the dirt street. The way they were sitting around their table, chatting, reminded me of a book club. 

Jin knew these ladies so she stopped to say hi. She turned to us and said, “These ladies are near the end of their lives. We need to share the gospel with them now because their time is short.”

We had a fifty five year old on our team, so we looked at him, but he said one of the young people should do it. I was standing in the back of the group and I did not think I would share. It was the end of a long day and I was tired and ready to go home. Then I felt something like a nudge in my spirit to do it, so I volunteered.

I started walking toward the book club ladies thinking, “Oh my goodness what am I going to say?” I really had to rely on the Holy Spirit to lead me. If I’m going to be honest I don’t even know what I said to them. I just prayed a quick prayer, opened my mouth, and started talking.

Whatever I said must have impacted these ladies because, as Jin was translating, there was a pause, and then, after a few minutes of talking to them, she turned to me and said, “All five of them want to give their lives to Jesus.” 

Jin lead them through a prayer and I prayed for them, then we left. Jin stayed in contact and followed up with them after we left Cambodia.

In that moment I just had to take a step of faith and rely on the Holy Spirit. Afterward, I asked my team if they knew what I talked about and no one knew what I said. The Holy Spirit was at work through my words even though I have no idea what they were!

Andrew Lee, DTS Alumni
YWAM Ships Kona

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