There are some who passionately pursue the Lord’s will in all things. The ones who take their relationship with Christ seriously and will do anything that God asks them to do, even if that means leaving family and friends to be missionaries in another country. 

Well, that’s us, a family of four who God asked to literally step out on the water (on a sailboat) and move to the Marshall Islands to share the love of God. 

In April of 2013, we did a Family DTS in Kona, Hawaii at the University of the Nations. We knew God wanted us to be prepared to do ministry full-time so we kept praying where God wanted us to go. We joined up with YWAM Ships Kona in August of 2013 and have been with them ever since. 

During our first year we were part of an outreach for 3 months on a sailboat called the “Hawaii Aloha”. During this time with our family all together serving on this sailboat, we knew this was something God wanted us to do and even our kids loved this life. 

Our daughter Sydney was quoted telling Brett Curtis, the Director of YWAM Ships Kona, “I was born to sail”!  We knew then that God had a plan for us to do ministry and that it would involve a sailboat. What we didn’t know is how this was all going to happen, but our God is a big God and He had the plans already figured out. 

Next thing we knew, we were leaving Kona in April of 2015 on a sailboat God provided for us, the s/y “Cloud Nine” and we were headed for the Marshall Islands.

We have been in the Marshall Islands for three years now and it has been an amazing adventure of what God has done through the four of us and the teams that we receive from YWAM Ships Kona. My husband Scott, my son Nick (17), my daughter Sydney (15) and myself, live on a 57’ sailboat called Cloud Nine.

We partner with YWAM Ships Kona. One of the main ministries we do is reach out to the isolated in the Outer islands by bringing them Marshallese Bibles, medical and dental supplies, food and clothing.

Ending Bible poverty in the Marshall Islands is our heart’s desire. 

Recently we went to the islands in the Ailinglaplap Atoll in the Marshall islands with a team of nine from YWAM Ships Kona. We went to five different islands within Ailinglaplap Atoll with varying populations from  74 people on Medyil island to 240 on the island of Arik. During our time there, we performed Health clinics, health education, and distributed goods including a Bible to every household. 

We are happy to say that we have ended Bible poverty on Ailinglaplap Atoll!

We feel blessed as a family to be doing God’s work in the Marshall Islands and will continue to do his work as long as he allows.

Katie Suderno
Changing Focus Ministries  

Interested in knowing more? Contact us. We’d love to chat!

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