Door to door ministry. Handing out roses to women on the streets. Conversations and amazing prayer times. People’s lives being transformed. Some came to know the Lord; others were prayed for and encouraged.

One of our January DTS teams recently finished up their 3-month outreach. They ministered to people in Florida and Costa Rica.

Their ministry time was full of showing God’s love in the simplest of ways. 

Prayer was a huge part of this outreach. Everywhere they went, the team prayed. They were always willing to pray for people who came across their paths. They would go on prayer walks and prayer drives throughout the cities.

The team prayed for women in strip clubs and sometimes were able to pray for the club owners. On one specific night, the team started their evening of ministry at 7 pm and finished at 3 am. They were able to go into 4 strip clubs and pray for the dancers inside as well as the bouncers outside.

Our DTS team was able to connect with many local organizations that are focused on reaching people for Jesus. The opportunities our team had was amazing and you could tell God was already at work everywhere they went. 

An opportunity arose when the team passed out roses to the women working on the streets. After receiving a flower, the women were given a card telling them of their value. They were also given information on how to get into contact with an organization that helps people to get out of the industry.

One woman gave her life to the Lord and a week later, the team heard another girl who they had spoken with and prayed for was off the streets and enrolled in one of the programs.

This is just a sample of how showing love to others can break down walls.

Other ministry connections included helping out with the remodeling of the Atlanta Dream Center, recruiting volunteers for the Glory House of Miami and connecting with Calvary Chapel and their God Squad.

The Atlanta Dream Center focuses on reaching the lost, rescuing those in need and restoring the brokenhearted. Their hope is to share the love of God with everyone they meet. Glory House of Miami is a center set up to help women and men get immediate help when coming off the streets. God Squad from Calvary Chapel is a group that goes out to pray for people and keeps the peace at the local Memorial Day weekend party.

The Holy Spirit was thriving in these moments and continues to do so even though our team has left. God was able to use our DTS students and volunteer staff to make a difference in the lives of the people there.

What an amazing opportunity to be the hands and feet so Jesus!

Team USA and Costa Rica

Interested in knowing more? Contact us. We’d love to chat!

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