Our Cambodia team is approaching the end of their time abroad and we are looking forward to having them back and hearing the stories of how God moved! They’ve sent us a few testimonies along the way to share and here’s one of them written by the team leader, Hannah Saker. 

“Every morning during the week, we join a woman named Sokkeng for ministry in local villages. We do everything from reading Bible stories and performing skits, to teaching English and playing games with children. We also do home visits in the villages and get the awesome privilege of hearing people’s stories and sharing about our faith in Jesus. 

The team and I have been kindly welcomed into many homes and have seen God work through our team. I strongly believe we are seeing fruit largely because of the years of labor Sokkeng has done throughout these communities. She has been committed to nearly a dozen neighborhoods and has built relationships with the people there. She has paved the way for short term teams like ours to jump straight into opportunities to share the gospel message. 

During our first home visit, we met a woman named Manet. As we entered her home, our whole team politely took off our dusty shoes as she made space for us on her tiny couch. We timidly crowded in one by one. Sokkeng has known Manet for three years but this was only the second time she had been in her home.

Sokkeng briefly explained to our team that Manet had known of Jesus over the years and was even a follower of Him for some time. Her husband, however, is Buddhist and forbids her to be a Christian. She recently made the decision to commit her life to follow Jesus; which meant she and her husband are now separating and beginning the difficult process of determining custody for their teenage daughter.

As members of our team shared and encouraged her with the truth of who God is, the Holy Spirit began to minister to Manet. I shared a small part of my story with her and encouraged her that God will be faithful to her daughter during this difficult time. I also shared a verse that I felt like God was putting on my heart. I told her that God is near to the broken hearted and it is a promise He keeps in his Word. 

Before Sokkeng could even translate my words, Manet began to weep and ran across the room and fell into Sokkeng’s arms. Manet understood enough English to know the gist of what I said, but it was apparent that the Holy Spirit was really ministering to her heart at that moment. Sokkeng waved me over, I sat with them on the floor, and we held Manet and cried together. Soon our whole team was crowded around on the floor with our arms embracing her. 

Sometimes ministry simply looks like crying with people. God’s timing is so perfect and so kind. He knew his daughter needed love, encouragement, and a reminder that she is not alone. Jesus is so personal, y’all. “

Hannah Saker
Team Cambodia Leader

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