We were in Papua New Guinea (PNG), about halfway through our outreach. At our team meeting that morning, everyone was tired but when we prayed, we felt like we were supposed to go to the hospital. We had been to the hospital before but during prayer we had the thought, “Why don’t we pray for people before they go into the hospital?”
Also as we were praying, one of our team members, Chase, saw a picture of a portal opening in the waiting room and what looked like smoke coming out of it.
So we went to the hospital, which is about a 20 minute walk. It was another hot day in PNG. The heat was sapping our strength and our faith was honestly not very high.

Once we got to the waiting room, we started praying for people. While we were praying for one lady, a commotion started happening on the other side of the room. Chase was praying for a woman who could not move her neck, and then she could!
After that, it seemed like the floodgates opened. Everyone started asking us to pray for them!
We started praying as a team, not as individuals anymore. One of the guys was deaf in one ear, and then he could hear! A lady who was old and had pain in her back was suddenly pain free. She was so excited as she exclaimed that she was healed.
We realized God was doing something, and it didn’t matter how we prayed. We could just go, “Yeah God, do your thing” and people got healed. God was just moving, it really was not something we had to make happen through our own strength.

One guy was there with a cane, helped by his wife. His right arm and leg were limp. We prayed once and nothing happened. Daniel, one of our team members, was leading out in prayer for him. When Daniel prayed a second time, he stepped back a few feet and asked the guy to try to walk toward us without his cane.
The guy tried, and he could do it! He wasn’t fully healed so we prayed for a third time. Then he said, “I’m fine” and left, walking normally with his wife holding the cane.
At the end we counted the people we remembered and there were about sixteen who got healed.
We all learned something on this special day, when we were tired and not excited about going out in the heat. It’s not about how we feel or about being special, it’s simply about responding to God.
God saw people he wanted to reach that day and he directed us to the hospital. We went and God moved. Our prayers were not anything special. We had little faith that morning yet all these people left the hospital healed and touched by God.
Ben and Serena Fontaine
Full-time volunteer staff
YWAM Ships Kona
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