During my outreach to Papua New Guinea, I was interceding on our regular team prayer walk when the word “yellow” came into my mind. This surprised me. It seemed so random. I wondered if it was just my own thought or from God.
I put it aside in my mind and we continued prayer walking. Then we stopped and I began talking to a few locals. The last girl I talked to was about twelve. She spoke English very well, so we struck up an easy conversation.
As we talked, I was able to share with her about Jesus, and help her understand some things about God that she had been struggling with.
Before long, we had to leave. It was as we were leaving and I was saying goodbye that I noticed that her school uniform was yellow and the word I had heard in prayer came back into my mind.
At that point I realized that God had led me to this meeting and this conversation and that he wanted this girl to hear about him on this day. It was so amazing to see the way that God unexpectedly gave me something like that during our regular prayer walk!
Kassie Hasse, DTS Alumna
YWAM Ships Kona
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