Planting Seeds of Discipleship – Vanuatu Update


May 24, 2017


These past few weeks living in the nation of Vanuatu has revealed to our team just how quickly the Holy Spirit is already moving in the Ni-van people’s lives. Our outreach has been so varied. Because of the many different talents God has gifted our team with, we have had the opportunity to be involved in health clinics, hospitals, youth programs, street evangelism, SD card Bible distribution, a women’s Bible study, schools, village gatherings, a Chinese church, island-style churches and more!


We staffed an Easter camp where youth aged 9-24 were incredibly open to accepting the Holy Spirit into their hearts. We have ministered to families, specifically moms, in their village homes where they were moved to share their life stories with us in complete openness and vulnerability. We have performed skits and spoken to youth groups and have heard the voices of angels worshipping with us as we lifted up the Lord’s name. Our team has been so blessed to be able to come alongside the established ministries here, as we share in evangelism that aims to reach all people in every walk of life.

The official religion of Vanuatu is Christianity. Though most have heard the story of Jesus, the majority of people do not fully grasp the significance of the Holy Spirit in their personal relationship with God. A main focus for our team has been taking believers to a deeper level in relationship with the Lord. Recently, our team, along with the staff at V2Life, ran a mini-DTS for some of the influencers of Port Vila. Our team hosted lectures, fellowship, worship and lunch here at the V2Life base. The title, “The Joy of Discipleship,” was designed to reflect the unique purpose of the program.

By managing and leading two Saturdays of intensive, spirit-led teachings and ministry, we hoped to strengthen and encourage the long-term missionaries and mature believers to continue their work discipling others in this country. Topics included: Hearing God’s voice, The Father Heart of God, The Life of Jesus, Prayer and Intercession, Worship, Relationships, Evangelism and Lordship.

By empowering and refreshing this specific group of evangelists to continue their ministry, we are confident that this workshop will produce more good fruits than we could ever have imagined.

We all feel incredibly grateful for the many friendships we have with the Scripture Union, V2Life staff, and others on this beautiful island. As we look forward to the remainder of this outreach, we are so expectant to see the Holy Spirit continue to move around us. We greatly appreciate your continued support and prayer.

From the Kona Ships team here in Vanuatu,

“Tank yu tumas!” (Thank you so much!)

Interested in knowing more? Contact us. We’d love to chat!

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